

○季語(冬ともし) 「はめごろすまどにもれくるふゆともし」

in a winter night

leaking light of the room

from a fixed sash window    Touji




○季語(こがらし・冬) 「こがらしをおふおほぜいのえきすとら」


a scene from a movie

a lot of extra

chase the cold wintry wind    Touji





○季語(銀杏・秋) 「ぎんなんのつぶされてゐるひとところ」


ginkgo fruit is falling

ginkgo fruit is crushed

it smells like fall    Touji




○季語(吾亦紅・秋) 「へいじつもきゅうじつめきてわれもこう」


my weekdays

just like a holiday! 

burnet is in full bloom!     Touji 



○季語(龍田姫・秋) 「たつたひめからりとけふはたつたあげ」


sunny autumn evening

what's for Dinner?

let's fried chicken     Touji




○季語(新涼・秋) 「しんりょうのあおきたたみにのこるこゑ」


is the season to feel 

the coolness of autumn

her voice sinks into blue TATAMI   Touji





○季語(稲光・秋) 「だんちよりだんちをみるやいなびかり」


a different housing complex 

is seen from my housing complex

it shines lightning in the distance   Touji




○季語(門火・秋) 「ぼんのあめにおひぶくろにかすかなか」


obon holiday is rain

a very oid sachet

it remains smell slightly   Touji





○季語(白シャツ・夏) 「かげひとつふやしてあおのよりかへる」


the children play all day in the field

they go home under the summer of cloud

one more shadow than their number   Touji




○季語(白シャツ・夏) 「かぜはらむしろしゃつうみへいきたがる」


wearing a white shirt

blown in the breeze of the summer

shirt fluttering like a sailing ship   Touji



○季語(空蟬・夏) 「そらはからつぽあきかんもうつせみも」


cloudless summer sky

in the can is empty

husk of cicada is empty too   Touji




○季語(白シャツ・夏) 「しろしゃつのむねにぴーすといふたばこ」


cigarette brand called "Peace"

in his breast pocket of the white shirt

a distant summer day   Touji




○季語(梅雨に入る・夏) 「びにるがささどるにさしてつゆにいる」


now the rainy season

under the bicycle seat

always put a plastic umbrella   Touji





○季語(遠花火・夏) 「なつむしがこつこつあたるきは18」


vehicle train named KIHA 18

summer insects hit the front glass of train

make a sound that KOTUKOTU   Touji




○季語(露台・夏) 「やくそくのとりがろだいにくるじこく」


I made the appointment one bird

It became in time

The bird is flying to a balcony in my house  Touji





○季語(薔薇五月・夏) 「ばらごがつがいこうかんのいないいえ」


beautiful May

is the season of blooming roses now

diplomat is absent in the house   Touji





○季語(青嵐・春) 「せびりあのりはつなおんなあおあらし」


clever lady lives in a country called Sevilla

leaves fluttering

in the early summer of strong wind   Touji



○季語(春) 「ひとのいりぐちよりはいるはるのずー」


zoo in spring

man enters a zoo from a human entrance

man goes out of the zoo from a human exit  Touji




○季語(さくら・春) 「だんだんにてつぼうたかくなるさくら」


the height of the horizontal bar of the park

is located in three stages

cherry tree in the park is just now in fullbloom  Touji



○季語(春の土) 「おうかんのうらぎつしりとはるのつち」


cultivating a field in spring by a hoe

one crown is dug up

earth is jammed into the back of the crown  Touji




○季語(霾る・春) 「ぼんぼやーじゆよこはまにつちふるひ」


"bon voyage!"

it sails from port of Yokohama

under the sky overshadowed by yellow sand  Touji




○季語(彼岸西風・春) 「ひがんにしがっこうのがくがたがたす」


the westerly played around the Vernal Equinox Day

many architraves on the hallway at school

 "rickety" make a noise and shake    Touji



○季語(青き踏む・春) 「あおきふむしんごうきよりぬけだして」


a man in the traffic light

go out to a field in spring

walk on the fresh and green grass  Touji




○季語(啓蟄・春) 「けいちつのつちもてうめるつちのあな」


awakening of hibernating insects

I make good the loss

in earth at earth   Touji




○季語(日光写真・冬) 「げっこうかめんのにっこうしゃしんやく」


I print off a sunlight picture

of the moonlight mask

children's hero   Touji



○季語(海市・春) 「かいしまでかえしてあげるこのにんぎょう」


this doll

was picked up from mirage

is returned to mirage   Touji

○季語(枯れ・冬) 「くいうたれたるのづらよりかれきざす」

a wood pile is driven into grassland
grass begins to wither up
from the hole (by Touji)


○季語(夕焚火・冬) 「てのひらがあつまつてくるゆうたきび」

the winter evening
someone is building a bonfire
palms are collected in a bonfire(by Touji)

○季語(冬耕) 「とうこうのあしあとほどうへときゆる」

cultivate a field in winter
leave their footprints in a field
footmark goes out on the paved road(by Touji)


○季語(秋風) 「あきかぜやとうふらっぱのにおんかい」

autumn wind is blowing
the tone of the trumpet of tofu selling
only two scales for its tone (by Touji)



○季語(十三夜・秋) 「せっけんのめいきえかかるじゅうさんや」

signature of soap seems to go off
autumn night
with the beautiful month(by Touji)


○季語(木犀・秋) 「もくせいらっかしらかべへふきよせる」

a flower of a fragrant orange-colored olive
scatters and falls in the ground
and coming near to a white wall(by Touji)


季語(颱風裡・秋) 「すりっぱであるくがっこうたいふうり」

someone puts on slippers and
is walking along a hallway at school
a typhoon is close to this area soon(by Touji)



季語(稲田・秋) 「ごごとなるいなだいちまいひかげれば」

when one of a rice field will be the shade
time shifts to the afternoon
from the morning(by Touji)

(作画使用soft:Microsoft imagecomposer1.5)

季語(泳ぐ・夏) 「ひざしたをかんりゅうよぎるたちおよぎ」
several people are treading water at a sea.
a cold ocean current
is flowing under their knee(by Touji)


noon is the shortest winter day
just after the noise as "GII"
a song of a music box stopped(by Touji)



today is clear weather of autumn
a cat boarded a hood of a car(by Touji)


a mountain sleeps
that seems to be a back
of the herbivorous dragon(by Touji)




iridescent oil spreads
on the paved road
It began to snow just now(by Touji)


stellar light is light night like a moon
we return from a great city
to a local city.(by Touji)

